Membership dues are $40 per year.
An “Active”- Individual, EBMI membership ($100 a year) includes a WEB membership.

Click here for WEB membership application: WEB APPLICATION

Our organization is comprised of over 80 women from various segments in the electrical industry:  distributors, contractors, utility, manufacturer representatives, etc.

We have members from Ameren, Archkey Solutions/Sachs, Butler Supply, Centrex Electrical Supply, Crescent Electric Supply, Eaton Corp., FISHCO Group, Fletcher-Reinhardt Company, Frost Supply, Graybar Electric, Guarantee Electrical, H&H Metal Fabrication, Impact Architectural Lighting, Independent Electrical Contractors, The Okonite Co., RJP Electric, Rozycki Lighting, Schaeffer Electric, Schaeffer Marketing Group, St. Louis Lighting Group, Springfield Electric Supply, Square D/Schneider Electric, Vector Sales, WESCO and WSP USA Solutions.   If  your company is not represented, why not have the women in your company contact us to find out information about attending a WEB program.

Members hold various positions in electrical companies: inside/outside sales, purchasers, management, quotations, administrative assistants, accounting dept. and many other important positions.

Officers for 2024-25 are: 

Melissa Meywes – Eaton Corp. – Chairperson
Julie Ohlms, Guarantee Electrical  –  Co-Chair
Julie Polson, Graybar- Treasurer
Star Walker, Schaeffer Electric – Secretary

WEB offers women the opportunity to meet others in the electrical industry and to obtain knowledge through various programs relating to electrical, governmental and business issues each month. Through our organization, these members can meet customers and others in the industry who share the same goals and ideas about the electrical industry. Not only is our organization involved with the electrical industry, but has also become involved with various St. Louis community projects.


WEB meetings…

Normally, WEB meets once a month (September through May) at a restaurant or member company facility. The meetings begin at 5:30 – 6:00 p.m.-hospitality (cash bar); 6:15 – 7:15 p.m. – dinner and 7:15 – 8:15 p.m.-program. We try to keep the dinner costs for each attendee to $35-50 (as prices keep increasing at restaurants). This group averages 40 members at each meeting, which is a great percentage attending out of the entire membership. Involvement and commitment by the many members of WEB through the years have made this organization so successful – from the past chairpersons who have dedicated their time, to all committee members and finally to each individual member, who continually supports each WEB activity.

Dues are $40 per year to join, but we encourage women to attend several meetings before joining WEB. They are under NO obligation to join by attending a meeting. If you (or others in your company) wish to learn more about WEB, please email [email protected].

Click here for WEB membership application: WEB APPLICATION

Frequently Asked Questions!

I have a family and other commitments.  How much time is required to be part of WEB?

Meetings are held on 2nd or 3rd Tuesday – September –May. 5:00-6:00-hospitality (cash bar); 6:00-7:00p.m.-dinner; 7:00-8:30 pm.–program.  Restaurant/location/program is determined by the WEB member coordinating that month’s meeting.  There is no time commitment required by members, as you can attend one meeting or all of them, the choice is yours!  But our WEB meetings have about 40 members monthly in attendance. We will adhere to CDC guidelines if things would change and have the ability to switch to virtual programs if necessary.

What is the cost of attending a WEB meeting?

Cost varies pending on meeting facility.  We try to keep it between $35-$50.  Many of our members have companies who pay for their dinner cost, but you would have to check with your company.  Members pay at the meetings or companies can be invoiced if requested. Not comfortable coming to the meeting by yourself???  Feel free to ask another co-worker or industry associate to join you at the meeting.  The only cost to attend a meeting are those involved for the cost of the meal which is shown on each of the newsletters.  No obligation to join by attending a meeting.

Who belongs to WEB?

Over 80 members who hold various positions in these companies:  inside/outside sales, purchasers, quotations, customer service, vice presidents, administrative assistants, accounting, etc.  We represent various segments of the industry and have several members from the companies who below who participate in WEB each month. See above for many WEB member companies.

WEB…what’s in it for ME?  

1) Networking and contacts – One of the most unspoken benefits of joining this organization is the networking opportunities made available to members.  It helps to know that when you have a work-related problem, you can contact one of the WEB members, who can assist you with a solution, and can make a difference with your career development.

2) The WEB Page – our monthly newsletter is emailed or mailed to all members to inform them of special events, industry news, etc. each month.

3) Community Involvement – Giving back to the industry is so important for most of us who earn our living by it!!!  Ronald McDonald House barbecues/brunches and our Christmas Family Program are annual programs, as well as EBMI Vets Barbecue for VA Medical Center in the fall.

4) Industry Award Scholarships – The Electrical Board awards scholarships to sons/daughters of WEB members who are seniors in high school or in college or a member can apply if they are going to college.  You only need to be a member of EBMI or WEB for ONE YEAR before you are eligible to apply. The amount of scholarships vary due to the amount collected from various events, but we  awarded several $1,500 scholarships this year. (We had awarded $1,000 in the past.) There is an application that needs to be completed and criteria for this award, but feel free to call EBMI office, 636/305-6434 for more information.  For some members, this has been a wonderful benefit that they never counted on when they joined!

5) Electro Savings Credit Union – The Electro Savings Credit Union is open to all EBMI/WEB members.  You must maintain a minimum of $25 in this account.

If I wanted to join after attending a few meetings, what is the cost and can I bring other industry associates with me to the meetings?

WEB dues are $40 annually.  Invoices are mailed out in August, and our year runs September 1st through August 31st.   Many companies do pay for the WEB membership, but once again, you would have to check with your company policy.   

What type of programs are planned?

WEB member volunteer to coordinate meetings. The topic and location of the meeting is decided by the coordinator, but often influenced by the survey of all members conducted at the end of the year. Some of our past programs have included topics such as women’s issues, time/stress management (motivational speakers), safety, lighting, wills/trusts and many more. Not only do you get the networking benefits each month, but you also hear a program that could benefit you and/or your family.  Each April (except in covid years), we hold our annual “Bosses Nite”, in which WEB members invite their boss(es) to attend and we have some sort of entertainment (murder mystery, casino nite, scavenger hunt, etc.) Only WEB Members can attend Bosses Nite.   May is our Installation of the new Officers.   We hope you will join us at a meeting!


Are there any WEB members that I can  contact to gain further insight into this organization?

       Mary Jane Reinhardt ([email protected]) – Fletcher-Reinhardt Company – WEB Chair

       Chris Phillips – ([email protected] ) –  Frost Supply – WEB Vice Chair

      Melissa Meywes – ([email protected]) – Eaton Corp. – WEB Treasurer

      Julie Ohlms – ([email protected]) – Vector Sales – WEB Secretary

      Melissa Berry ([email protected]) – Schaeffer Marketing Group – – WEB  Past Chair

       Or Annie Regan ([email protected])  – EBMI – WEB coordinator



If we peaked your interest in WEB and you are interested in receiving WEB newsletter (with no obligation to join), please email [email protected] and she will add your name to the email list for newsletter.  Then, when a meeting of interest comes up, all you need to do is to make your reservation and enjoy making connections with other women in our industry.


History of WEB: 

Originally, the St. Louis Chapter of the Electrical Women’s Round Table, a branch of the Electrical Women’s Round Table, Inc. of New York (organized in 1927), was formed in the spring of 1950.  The Electrical Women’s Round Table became the Electrical Women’s Board of Trade (EWBT) when it became a division of the St. Louis Electrical Board in October, 1956 with 24 charter members.  During 1982-83, the organization’s name was changed to Women’s Electrical Board (WEB).