Get your brand in front of industry leaders and professionals with our monthly newsletter, ” The Flash.” Distributed to a targeted audience within the electrical industry, this newsletter is the perfect platform to enhance your visibility and connect with potential customers.

Advertising Rates:
Full Page Ad: 8×11 is $350. We include this as one of the 8 pages in the newsletter. Provide a .pdf or .jpg image of the ad.
Half Page Ad: 8x 5 is $250. We include this copy on 1/2 of one of the 8 pages in the newsletter. Provide a .pdf or .jpg image of the ad.
Quarter Page Ad: 4×5 is $125. We include this copy on a quarter of one of the 8 pages in the newsletter. Provide a .pdf or .jpg image of the ad.

An Insert advertisement- is $400. You provide 225 copies of the 8.5 x 11 inserts and a .pdf or .jpg file to be included in the electronic version of the newsletter. This insert is then placed in the middle of our 8 page newsletter. Please use a card stock less than 20lb bond. This will allow the insert to be folded and included in the Flash.

Flash Box Sponsors- Sold each year. Size 1 1/4″ H x 2 10/16″ W
$240 for 12 monthly ads in FLASH
$100 for links to be included
$100 Sponsor Spotlight per month on social media.
Total for year: $440.00