The Electrical Board of Missouri and Illinois (EBMI), formerly called the St. Louis Electrical Board was founded in 1909, is the umbrella organization for all segments of the electrical industry and presently has 190 corporate members. The Electrical Board has a long tradition of providing programs and services benefiting its members and the electrical construction community.

Networking, education and/or disseminating information are major components of Electrical Board activities and services. All aspects are equally important in our ever-changing industry. Members realize the benefit of meeting with industry associates to learn what is happening in other segments of our industry. Sometimes, it’s what you know and who you know, that can make all the difference. The Electrical Board can make this happen, but only if you take advantage of these opportunities. Do not overlook the importance of building industry relationships that can assist in current endeavors or open many doors in the future. Take the time to learn what the Electrical Board has to offer.

GET INVOLVED!!! We have many dedicated volunteers who have taken leadership roles in the operations of the Electrical Board. Their involvement is essential to the success of our organization. If you get the chance, ask them why they are so involved and how it has helped them in their careers. Any member can enhance their professional development by taking an active role in Electrical Board activities. Committees assist the staff in the development of our various activities. It’s a great way to meet and get to know industry associates.